Ira & Josie Pigg 

of Edinburg, Texas

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 Last updated on 02/05/02

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If any one knows more about these pictures, please advise.   Email Derry

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50th Wedding Anniversary

William Harrison Pigg & Phoebe Wilson Edwards-Pigg

November 23, 1926, Martha Oklahoma

This picture above is divided into two pictures, one on the left and the right.  Couldn't scan it as a complete picture.

Left Picture, Front Row:  Cloys Pigg,  Jake Sampler,  Dr. Taylor son, Murie Clarkston, Dr. Taylor son, Fred DeBerry, Sonny Saunders, Norman Sampler, Wade Eskridge, and Wanda Pigg Johnson

Left Picture, Back Row:  Mr. Emerson, Jimmy Edwards,  Tom Sampler, Mrs. Brown, Mr. DeBerry, Mr. Brown, Dr. Taylor, John Wesley Pigg, Mrs. Taylor, O'Leta Pigg Franklin, Rufus Clarkston, Mary Clarkston, Mrs. Rufus Clarkston, Monte Clayton Pigg, Mary Dee DeBerry, Carlene DeBerry, Redth Edwards, Orville Dale Pigg, Lois Starkey Pigg, Lucille Pigg, Rev. Agee, Raymond Edwards, Clay Edwards, Fred Watts, Nannie Saunders,  Lyda Sampler, Mrs. Agee, Cora Ray, Gid Saunders and Mrs. Fred Watts..